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english 12
i think that a lot of what makes me who i am, the kind of reader, writer, and learner that i am, changes depending on my mood. i enjoy reading and writing a lot, but it takes a good idea for me to want to write, which doesn't happen often. when i read, i tend to read for the story, not very critically, unless i consciously put the effort in. when it comes to class, i learn pretty well no matter what, as long as i want to learn - which usually happens, and has especially improved with being back in person. my mood can change quickly, and i can switch from being totally introverted to totally extroverted and back again pretty fast. for the most part, though, i enjoy hanging out with friends and spending time around people. i feel passive towards a lot of things, not tending to form very strong opinions without being prompted. overall, i'll enjoy whatever ends up happening, and i make friends quickly.
learning goals
i picked these goals for a couple of reasons. i picked #2 because i'd like to write more & improve on my writing skills in general. being able to change writing styles to fit the need isn't necessarily something i'm bad at, it's just something that would be good to improve. i can work on this through practice, spending time reflecting on what i've written. i picked #3 because i want to put myself out there more and get more confident in general. i'd like to do this in a couple ways, but just trying new things & not being as afraid of failure. i just have to practice to get better. #8, #9, and #10 are all required, but i do think that #8 is similar to #7 in that i should practice putting myself out there and just generally be more sociable. #10 is also a good one, as effective self reflection also means not being as overly critical about everything i make to the point of being afraid to start projects. a lot of all of these goals comes back to practice, putting myself out there & getting used to it.